I have been blogging at UjjalDosanjh.Org for several years, mainly on Canadian and international affairs. CommentIndia.com is focussed on Indian and related international issues.

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When India PM's Office Hit Rock Bottom

There is much inanity circulating on social media. I delete much of what I receive without ever watching, listening to or reading it. In my daily schedule a special time is reserved for culling the incessantly spewed internet excreta. Perched upon the toilet to do the daily deed every morning, listening to CBC Radio One, I Invariably select most of...
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Jayant Sinha & The Death of Ethics In India's Politcs

  Growing up in the afterglow of India's independence one had the impression that the country's freedom movement had been a crucible of the fight between good and evil and the former had forever vanquished the latter. As a young child one didn't know that the storied cauldron of the struggle for freedom had also produced and weathered the colo...
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